Tuesday 23 September 2014

Location Scouting - Auditorium @ CIS 23 / 9

Today after school, I went location scouting in the school auditorium along with the director of our film. We took some photos and here are some of my findings:

We will be shooting two of the scenes of our film in the auditorium.
Shot (1) from The Lone Ranger 
The Indian (Kaia) will be standing on the stage (in the front) and the little girl (Yoonjin) will be standing near the door.
Shot (2) from The Lone Ranger
What we will be shooting
Our camera (with tripod) would be placed on the stairs for Shot 1. For shot 2, the camera would be placed near the seats. 

Of course, there would always be obstacles and challenges that we will encounter: 

I have found solutions to solve these problems.


As you can see from these two photos, the "Exit" sign above the door is very bright. You can see the reflection of the light on the floor. To solve this problem, we can ask the support staff to turn the light off. Secondly, the lectern would be in the way of the camera's view. We will move it away when filming. Lastly, I noticed that the air conditioners in the auditorium tend to make loud noises. We can ask the support staff to turn the air conditioners off for us. 

I realised that location scouting is a very important job. It is essential to pay attention to all the details to make sure that the location is suitable for filming. 

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