Wednesday 14 January 2015

Musical Film | Post Production: Editing

On Tuesday, we spent the class editing our film. Our film was nearly finished, but there were a lot of changes that we had to make after reviewing it with Ms. Rosati. First of all, our film was nearly 10 minutes long, so we may have to cut around 3 minutes of our film out. There were shots that were unnecessary, for example, there was a shot where the actor comes back from the mailbox and walks towards a chair. It was unnecessary to show the whole process of him walking. Secondly, some shots were not filmed continuously, therefore there were a few awkward cuts in our film. Unfortunately, we only filmed master shots for some scenes like the phone call scene. What we should have done is to film some close ups rather than just master shots, so that whenever there are shots that do not match perfectly, we can just easily insert a close up of the actor to show his reaction. For the phone call scene, what we did is we inserted the actress' reaction on the other side of the phone to fill in the tiny gap in between. Moreover, since there were a lot of awkward cuts, we decided to add a lot of effects like blurring and dissolving. However, Ms. Rosati reminded us that these effects were not needed and that just cutting to another shot without any effect is absolutely fine. Also, using "Fade to Black" in the end of each scene would be good. Last but not least, for one of the shots where we filmed on the bus, the Extra actor walks out of his seat in the background. However, the camera did not capture him leaving his seat as it was a bit too low and he was not included in the frame. I am glad with how our film turned out, even though there were both major and minor flaws. Improvements could be made such as the variety of camera shots used.

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