Saturday 25 October 2014

Progress Journal - Analytical Entry #1: Production Portfolio

Our production portfolio was due about 2 weeks ago, and I would like to write an entry about it not only to record the process, but also because the experience has taught me about the importance of time management. The assignment was given a long time ago and I started by planning out what I have to include in my production portfolio. 

I made a list of what I need to include in my portfolio, so that my work would be organized. 

I put a ‘√’ check mark next to each part when I finish them. 

As I am the camera operator, I was responsible for the storyboards and overheads. I also planned to add information about camera shot sizes in my portfolio. We were given time in class to work on our production portfolio, however, I did not get much work done during class because I did not spend time wisely, so most of my production portfolio work would have to be done at home. I researched on the Internet on how to create fake blood, as well as camera shot sizes. I stuck photos that I found on the web and photos of costumes and props that our group took in my portfolio. There was a lot of work to do. We also had to buy or create some of the costumes and props that we couldn’t borrow from school, and it was not very easy for us to find the items that we need. During our first shoot, we went to Stanley Market to buy some items, however, not all of the items could be found there. For example, we needed an Old West silver star badge, one of the major props in our film, but we could not find it anywhere. Therefore, we made our own badge using silver paper, cardboard and a safety pin. We tried our best to find costumes and props that look similar to those in the original movie. 
      The Badge that we made 

The Original Badge

Although I finished my portfolio at last, I left most of my work undone until the night before the portfolio was due. I got home at around 8, which was later than usual that night, and I started working on my production portfolio as soon as I finished my dinner and all the homework from other subjects. Since most of my work was not yet done and the research that I previously did was not detailed enough, I worked till after midnight. At that moment, I regretted not starting to do my work in advance and felt very ashamed of myself. I could have started earlier and my work would be better as well. I did not manage my time well and waited till last-minute to start my work. This has taught me that time management is very important. If you leave your work till last-minute, not only would the quality of your work not be as good, it would also affect your physical health. That night, I only had a few hours of sleep and the next day, I did not have that much energy and undoubtedly, it was hard for me to concentrate in class on that day. 

Doing pre-production work takes time and effort, but it has helped us with producing our film smoothly and would improve our final product. The mise-en-scène of our film has certainly improved as for example, we did research on how to create realistic fake blood and we also searched for props that look similar to those in the original movie. Even though I completed my production portfolio, I am not 100% satisfied with my final portfolio. If I had the chance to redo it, I would not make the same mistakes again and start working on it in advance. 

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